Use the items
prop as an array of objects with the following properties:
title?: string
description?: AvatarProps
content?: string
icon?: string
value?: string | number
disabled?: boolean
slot?: string
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<StepperItem[]>([
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper :items="items" class="w-full" />
Use the color
prop to change the color of the Stepper.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<StepperItem[]>([
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper color="neutral" :items="items" class="w-full" />
Use the size
prop to change the size of the Stepper.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<StepperItem[]>([
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper size="xl" :items="items" class="w-full" />
Use the orientation
prop to change the orientation of the Stepper. Defaults to horizontal
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<StepperItem[]>([
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper orientation="vertical" :items="items" class="w-full" />
Use the disabled
prop to disable navigation through the steps.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<StepperItem[]>([
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper disabled :items="items" />
With controls
You can add additional controls for the stepper using buttons.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: StepperItem[] = [
slot: 'address',
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
}, {
slot: 'shipping',
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
}, {
slot: 'checkout',
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
const stepper = useTemplateRef('stepper')
<div class="w-full">
<UStepper ref="stepper" :items="items">
<template #content="{ item }">
<Placeholder class="aspect-video">
{{ item.title }}
<div class="flex gap-2 justify-between mt-4">
Control active item
You can control the active item by using the default-value
prop or the v-model
directive with the index of the item.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
const items: StepperItem[] = [
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
}, {
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
}, {
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
const active = ref(0)
// Note: This is for demonstration purposes only. Don't do this at home.
onMounted(() => {
setInterval(() => {
active.value = (active.value + 1) % items.length
}, 2000)
<UStepper v-model="active" :items="items" class="w-full">
<template #content="{ item }">
<Placeholder class="aspect-video">
This is the {{ item?.title }} step.
of one of the items if provided.With content slot
Use the #content
slot to customize the content of each item.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: StepperItem[] = [
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
}, {
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
}, {
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper ref="stepper" :items="items" class="w-full">
<template #content="{ item }">
<Placeholder class="aspect-video">
This is the {{ item?.title }} step.
With custom slot
Use the slot
property to customize a specific item.
Add your address here
Set your preferred shipping method
Confirm your order
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { StepperItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: StepperItem[] = [
slot: 'address',
title: 'Address',
description: 'Add your address here',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
}, {
slot: 'shipping',
title: 'Shipping',
description: 'Set your preferred shipping method',
icon: 'i-lucide-truck'
}, {
slot: 'checkout',
title: 'Checkout',
description: 'Confirm your order'
<UStepper :items="items" class="w-full">
<template #address>
<Placeholder class="aspect-video">
<template #shipping>
<Placeholder class="aspect-video">
<template #checkout>
<Placeholder class="aspect-video">
Prop | Default | Type |
as |
The element or component this component should render as. |
items |
| |
size |
color |
orientation |
The orientation of the stepper. |
defaultValue |
The value of the step that should be active when initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state of the steps. | |
disabled |
| |
linear |
Whether or not the steps must be completed in order. |
modelValue |
| |
ui |
Slot | Type |
indicator |
title |
description |
content |
Event | Type |
next |
prev |
update:modelValue |
You can access the typed component instance using useTemplateRef
<script setup lang="ts">
const stepper = useTemplateRef('stepper')
<UStepper ref="stepper" />
This will give you access to the following:
Name | Type |
next | () => void |
prev | () => void |
hasNext | Ref<boolean> |
hasPrev | Ref<boolean> |
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
stepper: {
slots: {
root: 'flex gap-4',
header: 'flex',
item: 'group text-center relative w-full',
container: 'relative',
trigger: 'rounded-full font-medium text-center align-middle flex items-center justify-center font-semibold group-data-[state=completed]:text-(--ui-bg) group-data-[state=active]:text-(--ui-bg) text-(--ui-text-muted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2',
indicator: 'flex items-center justify-center size-full',
icon: 'shrink-0',
separator: 'absolute rounded-full group-data-[disabled]:opacity-75 bg-(--ui-border-accented)',
wrapper: '',
title: 'font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted) text-wrap',
content: 'size-full'
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
root: 'flex-col',
container: 'flex justify-center',
separator: 'top-[calc(50%-2px)] h-0.5',
wrapper: 'mt-1'
vertical: {
header: 'flex-col gap-4',
item: 'flex text-start',
separator: 'start-[calc(50%-1px)] -bottom-[10px] w-0.5'
size: {
xs: {
trigger: 'size-6 text-xs',
icon: 'size-3',
title: 'text-xs',
description: 'text-xs',
wrapper: 'mt-1.5'
sm: {
trigger: 'size-8 text-sm',
icon: 'size-4',
title: 'text-xs',
description: 'text-xs',
wrapper: 'mt-2'
md: {
trigger: 'size-10 text-base',
icon: 'size-5',
title: 'text-sm',
description: 'text-sm',
wrapper: 'mt-2.5'
lg: {
trigger: 'size-12 text-lg',
icon: 'size-6',
title: 'text-base',
description: 'text-base',
wrapper: 'mt-3'
xl: {
trigger: 'size-14 text-xl',
icon: 'size-7',
title: 'text-lg',
description: 'text-lg',
wrapper: 'mt-3.5'
color: {
primary: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-primary) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-primary)'
secondary: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-secondary) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-secondary) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-secondary)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-secondary)'
success: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-success) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-success) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-success)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-success)'
info: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-info) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-info) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-info)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-info)'
warning: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-warning) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-warning) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-warning)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-warning)'
error: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-error) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-error) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-error)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-error)'
neutral: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-border-inverted)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
compoundVariants: [
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'xs',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+16px)] end-[calc(-50%+16px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'sm',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+20px)] end-[calc(-50%+20px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'md',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+28px)] end-[calc(-50%+28px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'lg',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+32px)] end-[calc(-50%+32px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'xl',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+36px)] end-[calc(-50%+36px)]'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'xs',
class: {
separator: 'top-[30px]',
item: 'gap-1.5'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'sm',
class: {
separator: 'top-[38px]',
item: 'gap-2'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'md',
class: {
separator: 'top-[46px]',
item: 'gap-2.5'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'lg',
class: {
separator: 'top-[54px]',
item: 'gap-3'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'xl',
class: {
separator: 'top-[62px]',
item: 'gap-3.5'
defaultVariants: {
size: 'md',
color: 'primary'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ui: {
stepper: {
slots: {
root: 'flex gap-4',
header: 'flex',
item: 'group text-center relative w-full',
container: 'relative',
trigger: 'rounded-full font-medium text-center align-middle flex items-center justify-center font-semibold group-data-[state=completed]:text-(--ui-bg) group-data-[state=active]:text-(--ui-bg) text-(--ui-text-muted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2',
indicator: 'flex items-center justify-center size-full',
icon: 'shrink-0',
separator: 'absolute rounded-full group-data-[disabled]:opacity-75 bg-(--ui-border-accented)',
wrapper: '',
title: 'font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted) text-wrap',
content: 'size-full'
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
root: 'flex-col',
container: 'flex justify-center',
separator: 'top-[calc(50%-2px)] h-0.5',
wrapper: 'mt-1'
vertical: {
header: 'flex-col gap-4',
item: 'flex text-start',
separator: 'start-[calc(50%-1px)] -bottom-[10px] w-0.5'
size: {
xs: {
trigger: 'size-6 text-xs',
icon: 'size-3',
title: 'text-xs',
description: 'text-xs',
wrapper: 'mt-1.5'
sm: {
trigger: 'size-8 text-sm',
icon: 'size-4',
title: 'text-xs',
description: 'text-xs',
wrapper: 'mt-2'
md: {
trigger: 'size-10 text-base',
icon: 'size-5',
title: 'text-sm',
description: 'text-sm',
wrapper: 'mt-2.5'
lg: {
trigger: 'size-12 text-lg',
icon: 'size-6',
title: 'text-base',
description: 'text-base',
wrapper: 'mt-3'
xl: {
trigger: 'size-14 text-xl',
icon: 'size-7',
title: 'text-lg',
description: 'text-lg',
wrapper: 'mt-3.5'
color: {
primary: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-primary) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-primary)'
secondary: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-secondary) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-secondary) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-secondary)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-secondary)'
success: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-success) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-success) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-success)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-success)'
info: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-info) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-info) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-info)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-info)'
warning: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-warning) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-warning) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-warning)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-warning)'
error: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-error) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-error) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-error)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-error)'
neutral: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-border-inverted)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
compoundVariants: [
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'xs',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+16px)] end-[calc(-50%+16px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'sm',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+20px)] end-[calc(-50%+20px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'md',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+28px)] end-[calc(-50%+28px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'lg',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+32px)] end-[calc(-50%+32px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'xl',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+36px)] end-[calc(-50%+36px)]'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'xs',
class: {
separator: 'top-[30px]',
item: 'gap-1.5'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'sm',
class: {
separator: 'top-[38px]',
item: 'gap-2'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'md',
class: {
separator: 'top-[46px]',
item: 'gap-2.5'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'lg',
class: {
separator: 'top-[54px]',
item: 'gap-3'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'xl',
class: {
separator: 'top-[62px]',
item: 'gap-3.5'
defaultVariants: {
size: 'md',
color: 'primary'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ui: {
stepper: {
slots: {
root: 'flex gap-4',
header: 'flex',
item: 'group text-center relative w-full',
container: 'relative',
trigger: 'rounded-full font-medium text-center align-middle flex items-center justify-center font-semibold group-data-[state=completed]:text-(--ui-bg) group-data-[state=active]:text-(--ui-bg) text-(--ui-text-muted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2',
indicator: 'flex items-center justify-center size-full',
icon: 'shrink-0',
separator: 'absolute rounded-full group-data-[disabled]:opacity-75 bg-(--ui-border-accented)',
wrapper: '',
title: 'font-medium text-(--ui-text)',
description: 'text-(--ui-text-muted) text-wrap',
content: 'size-full'
variants: {
orientation: {
horizontal: {
root: 'flex-col',
container: 'flex justify-center',
separator: 'top-[calc(50%-2px)] h-0.5',
wrapper: 'mt-1'
vertical: {
header: 'flex-col gap-4',
item: 'flex text-start',
separator: 'start-[calc(50%-1px)] -bottom-[10px] w-0.5'
size: {
xs: {
trigger: 'size-6 text-xs',
icon: 'size-3',
title: 'text-xs',
description: 'text-xs',
wrapper: 'mt-1.5'
sm: {
trigger: 'size-8 text-sm',
icon: 'size-4',
title: 'text-xs',
description: 'text-xs',
wrapper: 'mt-2'
md: {
trigger: 'size-10 text-base',
icon: 'size-5',
title: 'text-sm',
description: 'text-sm',
wrapper: 'mt-2.5'
lg: {
trigger: 'size-12 text-lg',
icon: 'size-6',
title: 'text-base',
description: 'text-base',
wrapper: 'mt-3'
xl: {
trigger: 'size-14 text-xl',
icon: 'size-7',
title: 'text-lg',
description: 'text-lg',
wrapper: 'mt-3.5'
color: {
primary: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-primary) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-primary)'
secondary: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-secondary) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-secondary) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-secondary)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-secondary)'
success: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-success) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-success) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-success)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-success)'
info: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-info) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-info) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-info)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-info)'
warning: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-warning) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-warning) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-warning)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-warning)'
error: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-error) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-error) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-error)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-error)'
neutral: {
trigger: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) group-data-[state=active]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted) focus-visible:outline-(--ui-border-inverted)',
separator: 'group-data-[state=completed]:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
compoundVariants: [
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'xs',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+16px)] end-[calc(-50%+16px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'sm',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+20px)] end-[calc(-50%+20px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'md',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+28px)] end-[calc(-50%+28px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'lg',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+32px)] end-[calc(-50%+32px)]'
orientation: 'horizontal',
size: 'xl',
class: {
separator: 'start-[calc(50%+36px)] end-[calc(-50%+36px)]'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'xs',
class: {
separator: 'top-[30px]',
item: 'gap-1.5'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'sm',
class: {
separator: 'top-[38px]',
item: 'gap-2'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'md',
class: {
separator: 'top-[46px]',
item: 'gap-2.5'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'lg',
class: {
separator: 'top-[54px]',
item: 'gap-3'
orientation: 'vertical',
size: 'xl',
class: {
separator: 'top-[62px]',
item: 'gap-3.5'
defaultVariants: {
size: 'md',
color: 'primary'